Message à nos amis de B’Tselem après l’incendie de leurs locaux à Jérusalem.

Dear B’Tselem friends

We are appalled at the news of the fire in your office and waiting for the results of the investigations by the police department.

We want to assure you of our support in times that are getting very difficult for freedom of expression in Israel, particularly for human rights organizations, since the attacks from your government on “foreign-funded NGOs”.

We know the ministry of education recently asked for a cutting of EU and French subsidies to B’Tselem. We could maybe try to avoid such consequences on the part of France, although the French government tends to be very close to the Israeli authorities and policies.

We consider the advocacy work you do as central and we fully support the idea that “it’s important to remind the public that human rights know no borders, and that the occupation is not an internal Israeli affair. It is a matter of great Palestinian, Israeli and international concern » as you wrote in the latest message we received from you.

We will continue to denounce the occupation and deprivation of basic rights in Palestine, apartheid, administrative detention and all abuses.

In solidarity


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