500+ Jewish Organizations and Synagogues say: Black Lives Matter

We are Jewish organizations and synagogues from across the racial and political spectrum; from different streams of Judaism; whose members trace their lineage from countries around the world.

We speak with one voice when we say, unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.

We support the Black-led movement in this country that is calling for accountability and transparency from the government and law enforcement. We know that freedom and safety for any of us depends on the freedom and safety of all of us.

There are politicians and political movements in this country who build power by deliberately manufacturing fear to divide us against each other. All too often, antisemitism is at the center of these manufactured divisions.

There is a long history to these attempts: during the Southern Freedom Movement of the 1950s and 1960s, conspiracy theories were used by white supremacists attempting to delegitimize the extraordinary organizing of Black activists. Billboards were erected smearing Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as a communist, signs and flyers claiming that “communist Jews” were masterminding the civil rights movementwere common, and pro-segregation organizations like the John Birch Society popularized these lies.

Black Lives Matter, the recent uprisings across the globe in the wake of the murders of Breonna Taylor, Ahmaud Arbery, George Floyd, Rayshard Brooks, and so many others, and the decades of political organizing across the country that have led to this moment are movements led by and for Black people. We see through any attempt to suggest otherwise by pointing fingers, scapegoating, or using antisemitic dogwhistles.

As Jews, we know how dangerous this is: when politicians target Jewish people and blame us for problems, it leads directly to violence against us. When Black movements are undermined, it leads to more violence against Black people, including Black Jews.

Antisemitism is part of the same machinery those politicians use to blame Black and brown people, people who are immigrants, people who are Muslim, and more. But whether they generate division and fear based on our religion, our skin color, or how long we’ve been here, their goal is to keep us from working together to win the things we all need to survive and thrive.

When Jewish people join together with our neighbors across racial and religious differences, as we have in the past, we can protect each other and build the future of freedom and safety we all deserve.

Jewish tradition teaches us that justice is not something that will be bestowed upon us, it is something that we need to pursue, and that the pursuit is itself sacred work. We’ll show up for each other every time one of us is targeted because of our differences, and reject any effort to use fear to divide us against each other.

The Black Lives Matter movement is the current day Civil Rights movement in this country, and it is our best chance at equity and justice. By supporting this movement, we can build a country that fulfills the promise of freedom, unity, and safety for all of us, no exceptions.

If your Jewish organization or synagogue would like to sign this letter, you can do so at: https://forms.gle/tqW7Ka38UAEAAg2S8

If you are Jewish clergy and would like to endorse this letter, you can do so at: https://forms.gle/23SLtj8tk94jsBC66

Signatures are updated here manually, so please be patient. If you see an error with your signature or endorsement, please contact jewishorgssayblacklivesmatter@gmail.com and we will correct as soon as possible.


412 Black Jewish Collaborative

A Wider Bridge

Adas Israel Congregation

Adat Shalom Reconstructionist Congregation

Adath Jeshurun Congregation

Agudas Achim Congregation

Agudas Israel Congregation

Akiba-Schechter Jewish Day School

ALEPH: Alliance for Jewish Renewal

Alumni Association of the Rabbinical School of Hebrew College

Am Kolel Jewish Renewal Community

Am Yisrael Congregation


American Conference of Cantors

American Jewish World Service (AJWS)

Americans for Peace Now

Ansche Chesed, New York City

Anti-Defamation League

Anti-Zionist Shabbat

Aquarian Minyan

Atlanta Jewish Music Festival

Arizona Jews 4 Justice

Augusta Jewish Federation

Aventura Turnberry Jewish Center


Aytzim: Ecological Judaism

B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael

B’nai B’rith Colorado

B’nai Israel Congregation

B’nai Shalom Day School

B’nai Sholom Reform Congregation

B’nai Zion Congregation

B’nai Jeshurun

B’nai Portland Congregation

Be’chol Lashon

Bethesda Jewish Congregation

Baltimore Hebrew Congregation

Beacon Hebrew Alliance

Beis Community

Beit Ahavah Reform Synagogue of Greater Northampton

Bend the Arc: Jewish Action

Bet Chaverim

Bet Shalom Congregation

Beth Am Synagogue (Baltimore)

Beth Chaim Congregation

Beth El (Bethesda)

Beth Emet the Free Synagogue

Beth Israel Congregation

Beth Meyer Synagogue

Bolton Street Synagogue

Boston Workers Circle Center for Jewish Culture and Social Justice

Building Jewish Bridges

California Religious Action Center or Reform Judaism

Cambridge Minyan

Cantor Ellen Sussman

Cantors Assembly

Carolina Jews for Justice


Center for Jewish Nonviolence

Central Conference of American Rabbis

Central Reform Congregation

Center Square Minyan


Charleston Jewish Family Services

Chicago Jewish Labor Committee

Chicago T’ruah Cluster

Chizuk Amuno Congregation & Schools

Chochmat HaLev

Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life

Coastside Jewish Community (San Francisco Bay Area)

Columbia Jewish Congregation

Community Shul of Montecito and Santa Barbara

Congregation Anshe Tikvah

Congregation B’nai Israel (Basking Ridge, NJ)

Congregation Shareii Shamayim

Congregation Agudath Achim

Congregation Agudath Israel

Congregation B’nai Torah

Congregation B’nai Yisrael

Congregation Beit Simchat Torah

Congregation Bet Haverim (Atlanta)

Congregation Bet Haverim (Davis, CA)

Congregation Beth Am

Congregation Beth Am

Congregation Beth David

Congregation Beth El, Norwalk

Congregation Beth El of South Orange, NJ

Congregation Beth El of the Sudbury River Valley

Congregation Beth HaTephila Tikkun Olam Committee

Congregation Beth Israel (Fayetteville, NC)

Congregation Beth Israel (Skokie, IL)

Congregation Beth Israel (West Hartford, CT)

Congregation Beth Israel Judea

Congregation Beth Shalom (Bloomington, IN)

Congregation Beth Shalom (Overland Park, KS)

Congregation Beth Shalom (DeKalb, IL)

Congregation Beth Shalom (Seattle, WA)

Congregation Beth Shalom (Pittsburgh,PA)

Congregation Beth Sholom (Providence, RI)

Temple Beth Zion (TBZ) (Brookline, MA)

Congregation Brith Sholom (Bethlehem, PA)

Congregation Dor Hadash (San Diego, CA)

Congregation Dorshei Tzedek

Congregation Eitz Chayim (Cambridge, MA)

Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshurun

Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco

Congregation Etz Chaim, Wilton Manors, FL

Congregation Har Shalom, Potomac, MD

Congregation Kehillah

Congregation Kol Ami

Congregation Kol Ami (Elmira, NY)

Congregation Kol Ami (Spark)

Congregation Kol Ami-Kansas City

Congregation Kol Emeth

Congregation Kol Shofar

Congregation Mishkan Israel

Congregation Nahalat Shalom

Congregation Ner Shalom

Congregation Netivot Shalom

Congregation Neve Shalom

Congregation Nevei Kodesh, Boulder, CO

Congregation Or Atid of Wayland, MA

Congregation P’nai Or of West Hartford

Congregation Rodef Sholom, Pittsburgh

Congregation Rodef Shalom, Denver

Congregation Sha’ar Zahav

Congregation Shaare Emeth

Congregation Shaarei Shamayim

Congregation Shaarey Zedek

Congregation Shaarie Torah

Congregation Shir Tikvah (Portland)

Congregation Shomrei Torah

Congregation Tifereth Israel

Conservative Synagogue of the Hamptons

Cuba America Jewish Mission

Cultural Leadership

Dayenu: A Jewish Call to Climate Action

Democratic Jewish Outreach PA

Detroit Jews for Justice

Dorot Fellowship in Israel

East Side Jews Activist Collective

Edot Midwest Regional Jewish Diversity Collaborative

Ekar Farm

Elon University Hillel

Etgar 36

Fabrangen Cheder Havura

Fabrangen Havurah

Fabrangen West

Fig Tree

Flatbush Jewish Center




Goucher College Hillel

Greenwich Reform Synagogue


Habonim Dror Camp Galil

Habonim Dror Camp Gilboa

Habonim Dror Camp Moshava

Habonim Dror Camp Tavor

Habonim Dror North America

Hadar Institute


Hashomer Hatzair North America

Hashomer Hatzair USA

Havurah Shalom (Portland, OR)

Havurat Shalom, Andover, MA


Hebrew Day School of Ann Arbor

Hebrew College

Hebrew Seminary


Highland Park Minyan — Highland Park NJ

Hinenu: The Baltimore Justice Shtiebl

Howard County Board of Rabbis

Hudson Valley Jewish Voice for Peace



Illinois Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism (RAC-IL)

Independent Community Rabbi

Independent Jewish Voices (Canada)

Interfaith Action for Human Rights

Interfaith Families Project

Interfaith Families Project of Greater Washington

Isaac Agree Downtown Synagogue

Isaac M.Wise Temple, Cincinnati

J Street

JAM: Jewish Action Maine

JCC Harlem

JCRC of Southern New Jersey

JCRC/AJC of Detroit

Jewfolk, Inc.

Jewish Action NorCal

Jewish Alliance for Law and Social Action

Jewish Asylum Seekers Initiative (JASI)

Jewish Bridge Project of New Mexico

Jewish Bundist Diaspora Movement

Jewish Center of Indian Country

Jewish Chaplain, Federal Prisons of Southern Ontario

Jewish Climate Action Network-MA

Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice NW

Jewish Collaborative of San Diego

Jewish Communal Leadership Program, University of Michigan

Jewish Community Action

Jewish Community Alliance of Northeastern Pennsylvania

Jewish Community Board of Akron

Jewish Community Center of Greater Ann Arbor

Jewish Community Federation and Endowment Fund (San Francisco, CA)

Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley

Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Phoenix

Jewish Community of Louisville, Inc.

Jewish Community Relations Bureau|AJC

Jewish Community Relations Council of Cincinnati

Jewish Community Relations Council of San Francisco

Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Boston

Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Charleston

Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix

Jewish Community Relations Council of Howard County MD

Jewish Community Relations Council of St Louis

Jewish Community Relations Council of the Greater Asheville Area

Jewish Community School, Elmira, NY

Jewish Council for Public Affairs

Jewish Council on Urban Affairs

Jewish Democratic Women’s Salon, Atlanta (JDWS)

Jewish Educational Alliance

Jewish Family & Career Services

Jewish Family & Community Services East Bay

Jewish Family Service of Western MA

Jewish Family Service of Seattle

Jewish Family Services of Greater Kansas City

Jewish Family Services of St. Louis

Jewish Federation of Greater Ann Arbor

Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven

Jewish Federation of Silicon Valley

Jewish Film Institute

Jewish Gateways

Jewish Initiative for Animals

Jewish Labor Committee

Jewish Law Student Association (JLSA), CUNY School of Law

Jewish LearningWorks

Jewish Liberation Theology Institute

Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation (Evanston, IL)

Jewish Sacred Aging®

Jewish Social Service Agency (JSSA)

Jewish Studio Project

Jewish Study Center

Jewish Veg

Jewish Voice for Peace

Jewish Voice for Peace — DC Metro

Jewish Voice for Peace — Los Angeles

Jewish Voice for Peace — Milwaukee

Jewish Voice for Peace — San Antonio

Jewish Voice for Peace — Atlanta

Jewish Voice for Peace — Boston

Jewish Voice for Peace — New Haven

Jewish Voice for Peace — PSU

Jewish Voice for Peace Rabbinic Council

Jewish Voice for Peace — San Diego

Jewish Voice for Peace — Albany

Jewish Voice for Peace — Bay Area Chapter

Jewish Voice for Peace — Twin Cities

Jewish Voice for Peace — Tucson chapter

Jewish Women’s Archive

Jewish Women’s Foundation of Greater Pittsburgh

Jewish Women’s Foundation of New York

Jewish World Watch

Jewish Youth for Community Action

Jews for Racial & Economic Justice

Jews in ALL Hues

Jews of Color Sanctuary

Jews of the Earth

Jews United for Justice

Jews United for Justice

jGirls Magazine

JGS LIfecare


JLens Investor Network

JOIN for Justice

Joyous Justice

Judaism Your Way

Jumpstart Labs


JVP Denver/Boulder

JVP Las Vegas Chapter

JVP Western MA chapter


Kadima Reconstructionist Community

KAM Isaiah Israel

Kane Street Synagogue

Kanfot Ha’aretz



Keeping It Sacred

Kehilat Chaverim, Greater Hartford, CT

Kehilla Community Synagogue

Kendall NCJW

Congregation Kerem Shalom, Concord, MA

Kesher Pittsburgh



Kohenet Hebrew Priestess Institute

Kol HaEmek, Mendocino County Inland Jewish Community

Kol HaLev

Kol Rinah

Kol Shalom

Kol Tzedek

Kolektiv Goluboy Vagon

Kolot Chayeinu / Voices of Our Lives


Lander Grinspoon Academy

Lander Grinspoon Academy

Larchmont Temple

Lehigh University Office Of Jewish Student Life

Leo Baeck Temple

Let My People Sing

Lighthouse Kosher

Lilith Magazine

Linke Fligl

Ma’yan Tikvah

Macalester Jewish Organization

Makom Solel Lakeside


Malkhut: progressive Jewish spirituality in Queens

MAOR/Montana Assoc Of Rabbis

Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan

Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center

Massachusetts Board of Rabbis

Matanot Lev | Gifts of the Heart


Mayim Rabim Congregation

MAZON: A Jewish Response to Hunger

Mending Minyan New Haven

Mendocino Coast Jewish Community Justice Group

Metro Chicago Hillel

Michigan Democratic Jewish Caucus

Minyan Oneg Shabbat, Washington, DC

Minyan Oneg Shabbat

Minyan Segulah

Minyan Shaleym

Mishkan Chicago

Mishkan Chicago

Mishkan Shalom

Mitsui Collective

Mitzvah Matzos

Mixed Operations

Mizpah Congregation

Moving Traditions


Nahalat Shalom

Nashville Jewish Social Justice Roundtable

Nashville Jews for Justice

Nashville Jews for Social Justice

National Association of Jewish Legislators

National Council of Jewish Women

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater New Orleans Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Philadelphia Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Palm Beach

National Council of Jewish Women, Arizona

National Council of Jewish Women, Bergen County Section

National Council of Jewish Women, CA

National Council of Jewish Women, Chicago North Shore

National Council of Jewish Women, Cleveland

National Council of Jewish Women, Contra Costa Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Essex

National Council of Jewish Women, Florida

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Dallas

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Houston Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Long Beach & West Orange County

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Miami

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Philadelphia

National Council of Jewish Women, Indianapolis Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Jersey Hills

National Council of Jewish Women, LA

National Council of Jewish Women, Milwaukee

National Council of Jewish Women, MN

National Council of Jewish Women, NY Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Pittsburgh Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Sacramento

National Council of Jewish Women, San Francisco Section

National Council of Jewish Women, SE Atlantic Section

National Council of Jewish Women, South Cook Section

National Council of Jewish Women, St. Louis

National Council of Jewish Women Texas

National Council of Jewish Women- South Shore Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Colorado Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Columbus Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater New Orleans Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Greater Rochester Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Louisville Section

National Council of Jewish Women, Michigan

National Council of Jewish Women, New Bedford Section

National Havurah Committee

NCJW Essex

NCJW Maine

NCJW Nashville Section

NCJW Saddleback

NCJW San Antonio Section

NCJW Sarasota-Manatee

NCJW Utah Section

NCSY (New York)


Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue

Nehar Shalom Community Synagogue


Network of Jewish Human Service Agencies, Inc.

Neve Shalom

Never Again Action

Never Again Action — Los Angeles

New England Jewish Labor Committee

New Israel Fund

New Synagogue Project

Nice Jewish Boys SF

Nishmat Shoom

Nortthern New Jersey Jewish Voice for Peace


Oak Park Temple B’nai Abraham Zion


Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Oheb Shalom Congregation, South Orange NJ

Open Dor Foundation, Inc.

Open Hillel/Judaism On Our Own Terms

Open Temple

Or Emet, Minnesota Congregation for Humanistic Judaism

Or Hamidbar

Or Shalom Jewish Community

Or Tzafo

Oseh Shalom

Pearlstone Center

P’nai Or of Portland

Pacific Northwest Jewish Network for Collective Liberation

Park Slope Jewish Center

Pomegranate Initiative (fighting Islamophobia and anti-semitism through education and relationship building)

Portland’s UnShul

Project Kesher

Project Shema

Rabbinical Assembly

Rabbi Without Walls — Pittsburgh

RAPHA, The Center for Healing and Spirituality

Realize Paradise

Reconstructing Judaism

Reconstructionist Rabbinical Association

Religion Outside The Box

Religious Action Center of Reform Judaism

Repair the World

Rimonim Liturgy Project

Rise Up

Riverdale Temple

Rockwern Academy

Rodef Shalom Congregation

Rodfei Tzedek, social justice team of Congregation Rodef Shalom


Ruach HaYam

Sacred Minsters Havurah

SAJ-Judaism that Stands for All

Savannah Jewish Federation

Secular Synagogue

Seeds of Wonder Journey School (Roswell, GA)

Shaare Tefila Congregation

Shaare Torah

Shalom Bayit

Shamayim: Jewish Animal Advocacy

Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community

Shir Tikvah, Minneapolis

Shirat haNefesh Congregation

Shirat HaNefesh, Chevy Chase, MD

Shomeret Shalom Global Congregation

Silverlake Independent Jewish Community Center

Silverstein Base Hillel

Sinai Temple

Sixth & I

Society for Humanistic Judaism

Sutton Place Synagogue

SVARA: A Traditionally Radical Yeshiva

Synagogue Village Network

T’ruah: The Rabbinic Call for Human Rights


Temple Adas Shalom

Temple Adath Israel

Temple B’nai Brith

Temple Bat Yam of East Fort Lauderdale

Temple Beth Abraham

Temple Beth Am (Pinecrest, FL)

Temple Beth Am (Seattle, WA)

Temple Beth David of the South Shore

Temple Beth El (Aptos, CA)

Temple Beth El of Boca Raton

Temple Beth El, Fall River, MA

Temple Beth Emeth

Temple Beth Emunah

Temple Beth Israel

Temple Beth Israel (Eugene)

Temple Beth Israel (Waltham, MA)

Temple Beth Shalom (Needham, MA)

Temple Beth Tefilloh

Temple Beth-El, Jersey City

Temple Covenant of Peace

Temple Emanu-El (Birmingham, AL)

Temple Emanu-El (Edison, NJ)

Temple Emanuel (Kensington, MD)

Temple Emanuel (Newton)

Temple Emanuel Sinai (Worcester, MA)

Temple Emek Shalom

Temple Etz Chaim

Temple Hillel B’nai Torah

Temple Isaiah, Lexington, Massachusetts

Temple Israel (Albany)

Temple Israel (Columbus, OH)

Temple Israel Greenfield

Temple Israel of Boston

Temple Israel of Catskill

Temple Israel of Hollywood, Los Angeles, CA

Temple Jeremiah

Temple Judea

Temple Kehillat Chaim

Temple Kol Tikvah of Lake Norman

Temple Menorah Keneseth Chai

Temple Micah

Temple Ohabei Shalom

Temple Ohav Shalom

Temple Reyim

Temple Rodef Shalom

Temple Shalom, Chevy Chase, MD

Temple Sholom in Broomall

Temple Sholom, Cincinatti

Temple Sholom of Chicago

Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel

Temple Shir Tikva, Portland

Temple Shir Tikva, Wayland, MA

Temple Shir Tikvah, Winchester, MA

Temple Sholom of Chicago

Temple Sina

Temple Sinai, Atlanta

Temple Sinai, Brookline, MA

Temple Sinai, Cranston, RI

Temple Sinai, Stamford, CT

Temple Sinai, Washington, DC

Temple Solel, Scottsdale, AZ

The Alberta Shul

The Aquarian Minyan

The Awakened Heart Project

The Board of Rabbis of Greater RI

The Center for Jewish Studies at UNC Asheville

The Contemporary Jewish Museum

The Den Collective

The Jewish Community Federation of the Mohawk Valley

The Jewish Federation of Oxford, Mississippi

The Jewish Federation of Reading/Berks

The Jewish Center and Federation of the Twin Tiers

The Kirva Institute — Inside Out Wisdom and Action

The Kitchen

The Martha’s Vineyard Hebrew Center

The Shefa School

The Shul of New York

The Soul Center

The Tasman Center for Jewish Creativity

The Temple

The Temple, Congregation B’nai Jehudah

The Tribe (Miami)

The Wilton (CT) Jewish Center

The Wisdom School & Temple of SOPHIA

The Workers Circle

Tiferet, a Jewish Spirituality Project

Tikkun Chant Circle

Tikkun Leil Shabbat

Tikkun Olam Women’s Foundation


Tikvat Israel


Tivnu: Building Justice

Torah of Awakening

Torah Trumps Hate

Tree of Life Congregation

Tucson Jews for Justice

Tzedakah Songs

Tzedek Chicago

Tzedek DC

Union for Reform Judaism

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

United Jewish People’s Order — Canada

Unorthodox Celebrations

Urban Adamah

Uri L’Tzedek

Washington Hebrew Congregation

Westchester Jewish Council

Wilderness Torah

Women’s Rabbinic Network


Workers Circle of No. CA (Branch 1054)



Yavneh: A Jewish Renewal Community

Young Democrats of America Jewish Caucus

Endorsed by

Cantor Alane S Katzew, BCC, Cedar Village

Cantor Andrea Raizen, Beth Abraham Synagogue

Cantor Cheryl Wunch, cantorcherylwunch.com

Cantor Ken Richmond, Temple Israel of Natick

Cantor Sheri Allen, Congregation Beth Shalom

Chagit Hirschhorn , Jeruzalemite

Grace Kerr, PSJC

Hazzan Henrique Ozur Bass, Congregation Har Shalom

Hazzan Sabrina Sojourner, Sabrina Sojourner, LLC

Judith Halevy, Taos Jewish Center

Kohenet Annie Matan, Matanot Lev | Gifts of the Heart

Kohenet Maazineh Hashaar Elsa Asher, Kohenet Institute

Lissin Lev Chaya, Sheli’ach Tzibbur, Coastside Jewish Community

Max Edwards, Rabbinic Assistant, Temple B’nai Abraham

Rabba (Rabbi) R. Karpov, Ph.D., Jewish Center of Indian Country

Rabbi Aaron Weininger, Adath Jeshurun Congregation

Rabbi Adam Lautman,

Rabbi Adam Stock Spilker, Mount Zion Temple

Rabbi Adir Yolkut, Golda Och Academy

Rabbi Alex Weissman, Congregation Agudas Achim

Rabbi Alexandra Klein, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel

Rabbi Alfred Benjamin, Congregation Beth Shalom of the Blue Hills

Rabbi Amy Joy Small , Ohavi Zedek Synagogue

Rabbi Andrew Vogel, Temple Sinai

Rabbi Andy Bachman, JCP Downtown

Rabbi Arielle Lekach-Rosenberg, Shir Tikvah, MPLS

Rabbi Art Donsky, Rabbi With Out Walls

Rabbi Aviva Fellman, Congregation Beth Israel

Rabbi Baruch A. Yehudah, B’nai Adath Kol Beth Yisrael

Rabbi Becca Walker

Rabbi Benjamin Chaidell, I am signing on personally and not on behalf of the congregation

Rabbi Benjamin Ross, Leo Baeck Temple

Rabbi Bernard Gerson, Congregation Rodef Shalom (retired)

Rabbi Beth Singer, Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco

Rabbi Beth Singer, Congregation Emanu-El of San Francisco

Rabbi Brian Immerman, Congregation Mishkan Israel

Rabbi Brian Zimmerman , Beth El Congregation

Rabbi Bryan Mann, Vassar College

Rabbi Carie Carter, Park Slope Jewish Center

Rabbi Chai Levy, Congregation Netivot Shalom

Rabbi Claudia Kreiman, Temple Beth Zion (TBZ), Brookline

Rabbi Daniel Landes, Yashrut

Rabbi Daniel Liben, Temple Israel of Natick

Rabbi Daniel M Cohen, Temple Sharey Tefilo-Israel

Rabbi Daniel Sher, Kehillat Israel

Rabbi Daria Jacobs-Velde, Oseh Shalom

Rabbi David Almog

Rabbi David Eber, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation

Rabbi David Edleson, Temple Sinai

Rabbi David Fainsilber, Jewish Community of Greater Stowe

Rabbi David Finkelstein , Temple Beth Israel Waltham, MA

Rabbi David G. Winship, Temple Beth David of the South Shore

Rabbi David Kalb, JLCNY

Rabbi David Katz, Temple Beth El of WIlliamsburg

Rabbi David Steinhardt, Bnai Torah Congregation

Rabbi David Straus, Main Line Reform Temple

Rabbi David Z. Vaisberg, Temple B’nai Abraham

Rabbi David-Seth Kirshner, Temple Emanu-El, Closter, NJ

Rabbi Debi Wechsler, Chizuk Amuno Congregation

Rabbi Dena Trugman, Chaplain, UCLA Santa Monica

Rabbi Dr. Andrea Lobel, PRS

Rabbi Dr. Chava Bahle , Or Tzafon

Rabbi Dr. Eugene Korn, Torat Chayim

Rabbi Dr. Meesh Hammer-Kossoy

Rabbi Dr. Oren Steinitz, Congregation Kol Ami

Rabbi Dr. Sanford H. Shudnow , Chaplain (retired)

Rabbi Elchanan ‘Sunny’ Schnitzer, Bethesda Jewish Congregation

Rabbi Eliana Jacobowitz, Temple B’nai Brith

Rabbi Elizabeth Richman, Jews United for Justice

Rabbi Emily Mathis ,

Rabbi Emma Kippley-Ogman, Macalester College Center for Religious and Spiritual Life

Rabbi Gary Phillip Zola, Ph.D., Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion

Rabbi Gerald Serotta

Rabbi Gerry H. Walter , Retired

Rabbi Gilah Langner

Rabbi Greg Weisman, Temple Beth El of Boca Raton

Rabbi Greg Wolfe, Congregation Bet Haverim

Rabbi Hannah Goldstein, Temple Sinai

Rabbi Hannah Spiro, Hill Havurah

Rabbi Harold Kravitz, Adath Jeshurun Cong

Rabbi Herschel Aberson, None (Supporting independent of organization)

Rabbi Jacob Best Adler, Congregation Kehilat Shalom, Belle Mead, NJ

Rabbi Janie Hodgetts, Dana Farber Cancer Institute/St.Elizabeth Hospital

Rabbi Janine C. Schloss, Shir Hadash Reconstructionist Community

Rabbi Jason Klein, Temple Israel Minneapolis

Rabbi Jeff Saxe

Rabbi Jennifer J. G. Lewis, Xavier University Center for Faith and Justice

Rabbi Jennifer R. Greenspan , Congregation Beth-El Zedeck, Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Jeremy Kridel

Rabbi Jeremy Markiz

Rabbi Jessica Lowenthal, Temple Beth Shalom, Melrose

Rabbi Jonathan K Perlman, Jewish Community Relations Council Cincinnati

Rabbi Jonathan Kupetz , Temple Beth Israel (Pomona CA)

Rabbi Jonathan Lipnick, No organizational affiliation, New York, NY

Rabbi Jonathan Roos, Temple Sinai (DC)

Rabbi Jonathan Schnitzer, Rabbi Emeritus, B’nai Israel Congregation, Rockville MD

Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco

Rabbi Jonathan Singer, Congregation Emanu-El, San Francisco

Rabbi Josh Jacobs-Velde, Oseh Shalom

Rabbi Joshua Ginsberg, Beth Abraham Synagogue

Rabbi Judith Spicehandler, retired

Rabbi Julie Gordon

Rabbi Karen Bodney-Halasz, Temple Israel

Rabbi Laura Boenisch, B’nai Portland Congregation

Rabbi Lauren Tuchman

Rabbi Lavey Derby, Peninsula Jewish Community Center

Rabbi Lori Shapiro , Open Temple

Rabbi Marc Israel, Tikvat Israel

Rabbi Margaret J Meyer, Hebrew Union College

Rabbi Mari Chernow, Temple Chai

Rabbi Matthew Kraus, Department of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati

Rabbi Matthew Kraus, Department of Judaic Studies, University of Cincinnati

Rabbi Maurice Harris, Reconstructing Judaism

Rabbi Meredith Kahan, Rockdale Temple

Rabbi Michael Fessler, Reconstructing Judaism

Rabbi Michael Knopf, Temple Beth-El

Rabbi Mira Wasserman, PhD, Center for Jewish Ethics (Reconstructionist Rabbinical College)

Rabbi Miriam Terlinchamp , Temple Sholom

Rabbi Moshe Tom Heyn, Coastside Jewish Community

Rabbi Natan Margalit , Organic Torah

Rabbi Neil Tow

Rabbi Ofer Sabath Beit-Halachmi, HebrewTrainer.com

Rabbi Peter W. Stein, Temple B’rith Kodesh

Rabbi Philip Bazeley, Anshe Emeth Memorial Temple

Rabbi Phyllis Berman, Mashpia for ALEPH Ordination Program; member of Mishkan Shalom, Philadelphia Pnai Or, Dorshei Derekh of Germantown Jewish Centre

Rabbi Rachel Kobrin, Congregation Rodef Shalom

Rabbi Rachel Sabath Beit-Halachmi, Ph.D. , Ohavay Zion Synagogue

Rabbi Rachel Silverman, Temple Israel of Sharon

Rabbi Rachel Weiss, Jewish Reconstructionist Congregation

Rabbi Rebecca Gutterman, Temple Emanu-El

Rabbi Richard Marker, n/a

Rabbi Ricky Kamil, Congregation Etz Chaim

Rabbi Riqi Kosovske, Beit Ahavah — the Reform Synagogue of Greater Northampton

Rabbi Robin Podolsky, Bend the Arc

Rabbi Ron Fish

Rabbi Rona Shapiro, Congregation B’nai Jacob

Rabbi Rosalind Gold

Rabbi Sandford Kopnick, Valley Temple

Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Elon University Hillel

Rabbi Sandy Rubenstein , Montgomery Hospice

Rabbi Sarah Hronsky

Rabbi Sarah Noyovitz, Unaffiliated

Rabbi Seth Goldstein, Temple Beth Hatfiloh

Rabbi Shena Potter Jaffee, Mayerson JCC

Rabbi Shira Shazeer, Metro West Jewish Day School

Rabbi Steven Rein

Rabbi Steven Sirbu, Temple Emeth, Teaneck, NJ

Rabbi Stuart Weinblatt

Rabbi Susan Marks PhD, New College of Florida

Rabbi Suzie Jacobson, Temple Israel of Boston

Rabbi Talia Stein, Temple Sinai

Rabbi Tiferet Berenbaum , Temple Beth Zion

Rabbi Tyson Herberger

Rabbi Victor H. Urecki, B’nai Jacob Synagogue

Rabbi Yechel Hoffman

Rabbinic Pastor De Fischler Herman, Rabbinic Pastors Association

Rabbis Lewis H. Kamrass, Isaac M. Wise Temple, Cincinnati

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