Jews and Arabs march together in Jerusalem – Saturday night, Oct. 17

We will not surrender to despair – We will stand together!

Arabs and Jews want to live in security. Real security, without occupation and without killing. We know that only with a just solution to the conflict will be able to stop the killing and the hatred, to build a different reality. A reality of security.

Neither the terrible violence in the streets nor the fear was created in a vacuum. We must struggle against the root of this bloody cycle: A regime of control and separation that denies millions of Palestinians their right to freedom and equality. The Jerusalem Municipality distances itself from responsibility, and the government of Israel ignore the urgent need to address the root of the conflict. Instead, the authorities simply continue to pour gasoline onto the fire of incitement and violence.

We, Jews and Arabs, will not surrender to despair or to fear. On Saturday evening, we will stand together, in Jerusalem, the heart of the cycle of bloodshed which is also the place from which any solution must begin. We will demand freedom for both peoples, equal rights and equality before the law – this is the only possible solution to to violence, killing and hatred.