Jewish Groups Across the Globe Applaud Barcelona Mayor Colau

bds freedom Jewish Groups Across the Globe Applaud Barcelona Mayor Colau

February 23, 2023

The International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine (IJCJP) is comprised of Jewish groups and individuals who live in fifteen countries. From many cities around the world, our members celebrate Barcelona Mayor Ada Colau’s decision to cut ties with Israel until everyone in Israel/Palestine fully enjoys their rights, safety, and self-determination.

Cities are critical actors for social justice, because cities are the sites of our daily lives. People of every ethnicity and identity share the streets, schools, buses, culture and events of our cities. We form bonds, provide mutual aid in times of need, and enrich urban life with our diversity. Not so in Israel, where apartheid allocates rights, space, public services, protection, justice and life prospects ethnically.

Until Israel’s cities are shared, we must not normalise the structural violence of apartheid. We thank Barcelona’s mayor and citizens for refusing to look away from abuses that they would not tolerate in their own streets. With principled actions like Barcelona’s, we have the power to require change.

We are sad to see that Mayor Colau has come under attack for affirming universal human and political rights. That all members of society should live by a single law is both a traditional Jewish teaching and a pillar of secular justice. We stand in solidarity with Barcelonians who have acted to uphold it.

Barcelona’s example reminds each of us to redouble our local efforts to become the next city that stands up for justice.

Signatories of the International Jewish Collective for Justice in Palestine:

Argentina:         – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN-Argentina)

Australia:          – Independent Australian Jewish Voices
                         – Jews Against the Occupation

Canada:            – Independent Jewish Voices (IJV)

France:              – French Jewish Peace Union (UJFP)

Germany:          – Jewish Voices for a Just Peace in the Middle East

Ireland:             – Jews for Palestine

Israel:               – Boycott From Within (Israeli citizens for BDS)
                         – Zochrot

Luxembourg:     – Jewish Call for Peace

New Zealand:    – Alternative Jewish Voices of Aotearoa

South Africa:      – South African Jews for a Free Palestine (SAJFP)

Spain:               – International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN-Spain)

UK:                   – Jews for Justice for Palestinians
– Jewish Network for Palestine (JNP)
– Jewish Voice for Labour

USA:                 – Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP)
– Jews Say No
