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It’s Max Kresch writing again to update you on what is going on in Israel with our movement of soldiers
A song telling the story of Palestine has gone viral on social media. TikToker @emmasworld.101 rhymes off of historical facts
The EU Commission Directorate General for Justice has refused to accept European Jews for a Just Peace (EJJP) into the
Tuesday 7 January 2020
By Jo Mrelli. Published on the website Protocols.
Dotan Moreno, Grounding, 24x32cm, watercolor, ink and pencil on paper,
By Orly Noy. Published on Middle East Eye website, on April 3, 2019.
A vote for Balad would allow us to
By Martin McNamara. Published on Mon, Feb 26, 2018.
Divided London community united against common enemy in Battle of Cable Street.
By Gideon Levy and Alex Levac. Published in Haaretz on August 30, 2019.
Settlers have taken over dozens of springs in
Orly Noy
3 April 2019 A vote for Balad would allow us to be partners for change in the deepest possible sense