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Emmanuel Macron has described anti-Zionism as a new form of antisemitism. Yet by associating all French Jews
By Mike WoodsIssued on 19-02-2019 Modified 20-02-2019 to 11:06
Rallies have taken place around France to denounce a recent rise
A petition signed by the Group of Prefiguration de 2018, un Temps de la Palestine à Rennes:
What is COPELFI?
Overnight on August 8-9, Israeli warplanes bombed the Water and Sanitation system for al-Mughraqa City in Gaza.
from Quds News Network.
By Amira Hass. Published in Haaretz on Aug 13, 2018.
How many of the young people protesting at the Gaza
Ecoute : Yonathan Shapira interview’s by Sarah Katz on the boat Al-Awda
We’re patriotic citizens but are horrified by the escalating tensions in our country: we fear for those who live here
By Yael Marom |Published January 22, 2018 in +972 Blog.
At least three pilots for Israel’s flag carrier publish declarations publicly
The roots of France’s ascendant racism lie as deep as the origins of the French republic itself by Yasser Louati
Millions of Gaza residents face an unprecedented humanitarian disaster. We must not stand idly by! At the initiative of Zazim (“On
Published on 9 Mar 2017, on B’Tselem Website.
Since September 2000, Israel has maintained a “buffer zone” along the fence with
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Members of the Security Council,Ladies and Gentlemen,
Before I begin, I would like to express my deep thanks