Never Again For Anyone
Challenging the Misuse of History to Justify Genocide
This Saturday 27 January 2024
10 AM PST, 1 PM EST, 3 PM Argentina, 6 PM UK/Reino Unido, 8pm Palestine/Palestina
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On International Holocaust Remembrance Day, the International Jewish Anti-Zionist Network (IJAN)
unites with partners in struggle from around the world to declare: Never Again for Anyone – Never Again
means an end to the Genocide of Palestinians in Gaza.

Join us for an online webinar featuring an international panel hosted by US, UK, Argentina, and Spain chapters of IJAN: Moderators: Jesse Strauss (KPFA/Pacifica Radio) & David Comedi (IJAN Argentina)
Panelists: Phethani Madzivhandila (South Africa), Monadel Herzallah (USPCN & Plaintiff in Palestine
v Biden), Sara Kershnar (IJAN US)
Additional Comments: Kali Akuno (Cooperation Jackson), Maria LaHood (Center for Constitutional Rights),
Sam Weinstein (IJAN UK)
Featuring a clip of Hajo Meyer, Auschwitz survivor & inspiration for IJAN’s Never Again for Anyone campaign.
Simultaneous English, Spanish & closed captions by Respond Crisis Translation
Endorsers include:
PYM, AROC, USPCN, Cooperation Jackson, JVP Bay Area, CPE